The better question is, “Why not?”
If you’re an operator, you’ve invested in paint trucks, crews, training, and materials. And you have to buy and apply paint. Lots of it. Yet, many stripers are still striping “like it’s 1999!”
Skip-line revolutionized the striping world in 1969 with the introduction of the industry’s first “skip timer.” And since then, thousands of painting contractors have counted on Skip-Line’s original technology to get the basic job of accurately painting lines done.
With advances in optics, electronic controls, and software enablement, today’s Skip-Line takes that original charge to the next level. Namely, full control of the paint distribution, application, truck-and-job tracking, and post-application reporting.
In short, Skip-Line technology enables almost any paint truck to be a Smart Paint Truck™ – ensuring no wasted material, time, or lost opportunities to grow.
Our goal is to advance the striping industry by introducing smart marking technologies.
We already built the world’s smartest paint truck controller. Our vision is to continue to develop and offer new technologies and improve painting quality. The ultimate goal is for contractors to make more money while providing a better quality product on our highways throughout North America and around the world.
We want to make it easier to manage your most significant cost: materials, by introducing smart marking technologies that measure material usage in real time.
For instance, our solution with thermoplastic – utilizing cutting-edge laser technology – will transform the industry. When you partner with Skip-Line, you have access to a team of industry experts solving today’s problems and offering innovative solutions for the striping market.
Our mission is to connect all markings and make the data readily available on time, so you can make critical decisions to improve your operations.
By utilizing smart marking technologies, you can be more productive, win more bids, and accomplish quality work. Let us help you transform your striping operations to be the best in the industry. Thank you, and have a great day.
Smarter Striping is about best practices and enabling technologies that increase performance, safety and profitability.
The Best Striping Technology